For Pastors


Faithful pastoral ministry comes not only with many delights but also many demands.  At Alaska Family Council, we know that pastors can feel spread thin with so many important things that vie for their time each week.

So, first, we’d like to thank you for your ministry, encourage you to continue living selflessly for Christ as His ambassador, and acknowledge that your weekly work has eternal glory. May the Lord abundantly bless you and your family.

If you’ve made it to this page and you’re a pastor, you’re probably already wondering how Alaska Family Council might be of further encouragement and help to you.

Briefly stated, we want to give you opportunities to further your ministry, and we do not want to distract you from your vocation as a pastor.  We believe that as pastors and churches proclaim the gospel with words and lives that have been changed by the grace of God, we will see healthy cultural change in our communities and state.

We emphatically do not believe the votes of the legislature or stroke of a governor’s pen can change the hearts of sinful men. And, while our subsidiary group Alaska Family Action does some of its work in the political realm, we have no interest in pretending that politics, politicians, or public opinion is our savior.  We, as an organization, have every interest in confessing the One who is, and was, and ever more shall be. 

With that said, here are some of the ways we’d like to help you further your ministry:

  • Help you establish and develop connections and partnerships with likeminded pastors, churches, and ministries throughout Alaska, so that Christians may have a more unified public testimony
  • Enable you to reach out to your elected officials (regardless of their political affiliation), know where they stand on key issues, meet and pray with them, thank them when they do well, and encourage them to be servants to do what is good in God’s sight
  • Keep you informed about developing cultural, political, and social issues we face in Alaska so that you can carefully think through these issues scripturally
  • Offer resources and ideas that can be used to strengthen the diverse families and communities you serve
  • Point you to the very best legal resources to protect the ministry of your church in an increasingly litigious society that does not want to tolerate religious dissent from the gods of this age
  • Engage you in counter-culture initiatives, seeking to rebuild a godly culture of marriage, sexuality, family, life, etc. that the world is sorely lacking
  • Develop a vibrant understanding of Christian citizenship–one that is not simply “American” but ultimately “Biblical” and honoring to Jesus Christ above all

If you haven’t done so, please take a moment to connect with us by clicking the “Subscribe” button at the top of this page and select “Pastor” as your title.  We look forward to serving you and your congregation.


Our national alliances with organizations such as Alliance Defending Freedom, Citizenlink, and Family Research Council link us with some of the most inventive, compassionate, and intelligent minds this nation has to offer.  Through these partnerships, we strive to equip, protect, and defend ministries and ministry leaders in Alaska as they seek to honor God and serve their communities. 

Get acquainted with a few of the resources we provide to churches: