Thank you for your interest in Alaska Family Council and Alaska Family Action. We are a statewide, pro-family public policy organization that exists to provide a voice on social and cultural issues impacting Alaskan families.
AFC and AFA are funded entirely by the generous contributions of individual Alaskans who believe in making sure strong family values continue to compete in the marketplace of ideas. By strengthening families in Alaska through informed citizenship, community involvement and improved public policy, AFC and AFA remain engaged in the important issues of our day on a long-term, ongoing basis. We look forward to serving you and ask you to join us financially, prayerfully and as an active volunteer partner.
Standing for families,
Jim Minnery, President

“The Alaska Family Council’s successes in education, legislation and accountability have made them an indispensable asset in promoting and defending traditional values in Juneau and across our state. They have become an important force to influence public policy here in the state of Alaska.”
“Alaska Family Council provides a critical service to Alaskans as they educate and alert us to issues related to our liberties and responsibilities. I am very thankful for their hard work, statewide, to keep us informed and engaged in the political process.”
“It is very encouraging to us that a ministry like the Alaska Family Council is providing significant Christian influence in the public square and on civil government. They serve a unique and vital role in the Body of Christ outside the doors where we preach the Gospel.”
“The Alaska Family Council has a proven track record of advancing pro-life and pro-family public policy in our State. It deserves the support of Alaskans who care about these important values.”
“Alaskans are in a profound cultural war. Family values are under assault on many fronts. We must rally together to unite our efforts. The Alaska Family Council is the best choice we have.”
“A state-based, pro-family group affiliated with Focus on the Family would have a positive and much needed influence on public policy in Alaska. It’s past time that a group like this gets off the ground.”
Life should be protected from the time of conception to the end of natural life.
The sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman is the essential element of the family and strong families are essential to a strong and healthy society.
First Amendment religious liberties are critical to our freedom as a people and must be protected and defended.
Parents have a fundamental right to guide their children’s lives and to responsibly direct every aspect of their education and care.